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Make Your Donation Today!

  • $30 covers fuel to harvest 120 lbs of veggies from a local farm and deliver them to partners across Johnson County
  • $60 delivers fresh produce bi-weekly to a family of four this summer
  • $160 sponsors all costs for a food rescue route to recover several hundred pounds of food
  • $252 ($21 per month)  provides food for a week of Free Lunch Program meals serving 100 people per meal.
KCJJ Radiothon

Thank you to our 2024 KCJJ Radiothon Presenting Sponsor, Hills Bank!

Hills Bank

volunteer DonatevolunteerVolunteer

Physical Address: 1049 US-6 E, Iowa City, IA 52240

Mailing Address: PO Box 2596, Iowa City, IA 52244

Phone: 319.337.3400

Table to Table is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization (EIN 42-1457219)