Watch “Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story”

The Love Food, Fight Waste program is switching things up for our September topic! We brought you a free, in-person film screening (Sept. 2) of the movie, Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story, in partnership with Summer of the Arts.

Love Food, Fight Waste is keeping the film discussion going throughout the month of September!

Check out the film reflection with the food rescue team: Table to Table staff discuss documentary “Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story”

If you missed the film screening, you can watch the full movie at the link below. Consider the below discussion questions as you watch the film.

Discussion Questions to Consider: 

  1. Littering is considered taboo. Why is wasting food generally acceptable?
  2. Retailers often respond to consumer habits – for example, when they cull produce that has a unique shape or a small blemish, believing that consumers won’t buy “ugly” produce. What other habits and preferences do you recognize in yourself or consumers in general that determine how retailers operate? How can we make changes that will lead to less food waste?
  3. Should organizations face consequences for unnecessary food waste? On the flip side, should organizations be paid an incentive for avoiding food waste? What effects do you think a policy like this would have?
  4. The film points out that the last time the U.S. Government ran a large campaign against wasting food, it was during WWII. Food for thought: does our country have to be in crisis for society to think about resource utilization?
  5. Were you surprised to learn that the majority of food waste takes place in homes? What takeaways did this movie provide in terms of changing your own habits?

Film Description

From Peg Leg Films, filmmakers and food lovers Jen and Grant dive into the issue of food waste from farm, through retail, all the way to the back of their own fridge. After catching a glimpse of the billions of dollars of good food that is tossed each year in North America, they pledge to quit grocery shopping and survive only on discarded food. What they find is truly shocking.

Read more Love Food, Fight Waste topics, brought to you by Table to Table and the City of Iowa City.