Write Bites! Iowa Nonfiction Writing Program Pays Snacks Forward
What happens to a school group’s snack fund when school is canceled? It goes to providing snacks for the community! The Iowa Nonfiction Writing Program (NWP) donated $200 from their snack fund to help Table to Table rescue food that can provide vital support to community members all over Johnson County. This donation came from the group’s belief that “A good meal, shared with others, is emotionally nourishing, too, and since we can’t gather right now, we wanted to find the best way to pass that spirit along!”

The NWP students take up a collection at the beginning of each school year to establish their snack fund. This money typically goes towards keeping their snack jar filled through the year and catering a graduation celebration in the spring, but due to the physical closure of the University of Iowa campus, they were left with the decision to carry over the funds or put them to use helping the community. They chose the latter, much to our delight!